NEMO Operations Reporting Control Center
The Reporting Control Centre monitors mission critical systems, and provides statistics for Digital Earth Australia, Marine Programs and the Copernicus Australasia Regional Hub.
This platform is run by the National Earth and Marine Observations (NEMO) branch within Geoscience Australia.
NEMO maintains numerous critical operational and production capabilities in support of delivery of Geoscience Australia's Earth and Marine Observations capabilities. NEMO provides national leadership in the definition, acquisition, stewardship, and application of satellite remote sensing and marine seabed data.

Copernicus Australasia Regional Hub
Regional hub supporting Copernicus, Europe's most ambitious and multifaceted Earth observation programme to date.
Go to Copernicus dashboard Go to Copernicus website
Digital Earth Australia
World-class digital infrastructure that uses satellite data to detect physical changes across Australia in unprecedented detail.
Go to DEA dashboard Go to DEA website
National Marine Seabed Mapping
World class digital infrastructure that improves awareness, coverage, quality, discoverability, and accessibility of seabed mapping data.
Go to AusSeabed dashboard Go to AusSeabed website